Experimento musical: ¿adivinas qué canción corresponde a cada profesor?

Realizar su propio experimento musical. Eso es lo que ha hecho esta semana Patricia San Pío con su clase de Primero de la ESO para concluir de una forma diferente el tema que trataba sobre personalidad y música. Así nos resume en inglés el proyecto, que contó con la ayuda de otros profesores y en el que los alumnos tenían que tratar de adivinar la canción que había elegido cada profesor de acuerdo con su personalidad.

«¿Can people use music to judge personality accurately?”, this is the question that Sam Gosling, a social psychologist asked us in an article that we read in our 1st of ESO class. After reading the article and discussing the question, we decided to make OUR MUSIC EXPERIMENT. Having accepted the challenge, we have tried to answer this question. So I asked the teachers of 1st of ESO to collaborate with our experiment, and they did. They sent me three of their favorite songs. After that, the songs were played to the students, who in pairs, tried to guess which teacher is behind those songs and that music style.

And guess what? Most of the students got 7 out of 10. So I don’t really know if Sam Gosling would have considered our 70% result successful, but what I am sure is that WE HAD A BLAST.

I do not think that no one will deny the importance of play in preschool o even primary education, but sometimes in secondary is important to keep our kids motivated, which was the main point of this game. Playing develops their imagination and creativity, they improve their verbal skills and their social interaction, it helps them get along, it also builds up their confidence, as well as bringing joy to the class, who does not want to have a laugh or even two.

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